Thursday, November 5, 2015

Book Kaam kala ke 2100 tips

जैसा की ग्रुप के सम्मानित सदस्यों को बताया जा चुका है कि एक नवंम्बर से हम हेल्थ टुडे में जानकारियों की एक श्रंखला प्रारंभ कर रहे है इसी क्रम में हमने १ नवम्बर से १५ नवम्बर तक सेक्स एजुकेशन विषय पर जानकारी प्रारंभ की है| वास्तव में हमने चिकित्सा शिविर के दौरान ७५ प्रतिशत लोगों को सेक्स समस्या से जूझते पाया है| दुःख की बात ये नजर आई की बड़े से बड़ा पढ़ा लिखा समझदार व्यक्ति भी इश्तिहारी नीम हकीम के जाल में फंसकर अपनी समस्या और बढ़ा लेता है| हम इस श्रंखला को सकारात्मक सोच के साथ प्रारंभ करना चाह रहे है| मै  दो विषय में अदिस्नातक (एम.डी.)हूँ| पंचकर्म एवं भूतविधा(मनोचिकित्सा/गृहचिकित्सा)| मनोचिकित्सा में मेरा एक विषय रहा मनुष्य में असामान्य सेक्स व्यवहार और रोग| इस अध्यन के दौरान मुझे बहुत कुछ जानकारी पता चली| इस ग्रुप में डाबर के निदेशक डॉ.दुर्गा प्रसाद भी है जो की वाजीकरण में अदिस्नातक है| वाजीकरण मतलब सेक्सोलोजिष्ट होना| अभी मेरे साथी चिकित्सकों ने महिला यौन अंगो के बारे में जानकारी प्रारंभ की है| मैंने सेक्स एजुकेशन पर हिंदी में एक पुस्तक लिखी है जिसका नाम है कामकला २१०० टिप्स यह पुस्तक राजा पॉकेट बुक्स ने प्रकाशित की है | इस पुस्तक के ५ एडिशन अब तक बिक चुके है | मैंने चिकित्सा के दौरान हमेशा ये पाया है की यौन रोग या सेक्स सम्बंधित समस्याएं केवल असामान्य सोच से उपजती है लेकिन लोग समाधान दवाओं में खोजते रहते है और सेक्स समस्या से जीवनपर्यंत जूझते रहते है| मैंने यह पाया है की ज्यादातर पुरुष कभी भी स्त्री के शरीर को और मन को समझ ही नहीं पाता है वह स्त्री को हमेशा अपने द्रष्टिकोण से देखता और तौलता रहता है| अब मै स्त्री शरीर में यौन संबंधों में प्रमुख भूमिका निभाने वाले अंगों की जानकारी देता जिनका पयार्प्त ध्यान रख कर स्वास्थ्य की रक्षा करते हुए यौन जीवन को अधिक दीर्घायु बनाये रख सकते है|⁠⁠

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Male Sexual Anatomy


(A) Circumcised

(B) Uncircumcised

(C) Erect

The penis (shaft) and scrotum (balls) are the external sexual organs of men.

The glans is clearly visible in illustration (A) as the head of the penis. The glans is usually covered by the prepuce unless the penis is erect, except in circumsized men, whose foreskin has been surgically removed. The glans is highly sensitive, as is the corona that connects the glans to the shaft of the penis.

The 'crown,' a ridge of flesh demarcating where the head of the penis and the shaft join.
Frenulum, Frenum

A thin strip of flesh on the underside of the penis that connects the shaft to the head.
Foreskin, Prepuce

A roll of skin which covers the head of the penis. It is rich in nerve endings. Surgical excision (removal) of the foreskin of men is called circumcision.
Urethra, Meatus

The opening at the tip of the penis to allow the passage of both urine and semen.

A substance with the texture of cheese secreted by glands on each side of the frenulum in uncircumsized men.

The scrotum is a sac that hangs behind and below the penis, and contains the testes (testicles), the male sexual glands. The scrotum's primary function is to maintain the testes at approximately 34 C, the temperature at which the testes most effectively produce sperm.


Testes, Testicles

The male sexual glands, the two testes within the scrotum produce sperm and testosterone. Within each testis is a kilometer of ducts called theseminiferous tubules, the organs which generate sperm. Each testicle produces nearly 150 million sperm every 24 hours.

The epididymis is a 'holding pen' where sperm produced by the seminiferous tubules mature. The sperm wait here until ejaculation or nocturnal emission.
Vas Deferens

The ducts leading from the epididymis to the seminal vesicles. These are the ducts that are cut during the procedure known as vasectomy.
Seminal Vesicles

The seminal vesicles produce semen, a fluid that activates and protects the sperm after it has left the penis during ejaculation
Prostate Gland

Also produces a fluid that makes up the semen. The prostate gland also squeezes shut the urethral duct to the bladder, thus preventing urine from mixing with the semen and disturbing the pH balance required by sperm.
Corpa Cavernosa

The corpora cavernosa are the two spongy bodies of erectile tissue on either side of the penis which become engorged with blood from arteries in the penis, thus causing erection.
Ejaculatory Ducts

The path through the seminal glands which semen travels during ejaculation.
Cowper's Glands

The Cowper's glands secrete a small amount of pre-ejaculate fluid prior to orgasm. This fluid neutralizes the acidity within the urethra itself.

What's the average size of the penis? What are the extremes?

According to the book Mandens Krop (which is translated from English, but does not give the original title) the average is 15cm and 90% are between 13 and 18cm.

The records for a fully functional penis are 1.5cm and 30cm.
Is penis size important?

This is probably one of the most frequently asked questions on, and that's a shame, because it's really a pointless question. Penis size is important if and only if you think it is. If you have sex with men and you desire a large penis, then penis size is important to you, and only to you. If you feel your penis should be larger, then penis size is important to you, and only to you.

Many women report that too many men are hung up on the size of their penises. The vagina is only eight to thirteen centimeters long, and even a small penis can touch every square centimeter within the vagina.
Can penis size be increased?

Yes. There are two surgical procedures to increase penis size-- the Bihari Procedure, and Fat Injection.

The Bihari Procedure consists of cutting the ligament that secures the base of the penis to the body. This gives between one-half and two inches of increased length to the penis; however, because the penis is no longer anchored to the body an erection no longer points 'up.'

Fat Injection is the process of removing fat from the backs of the thighs and injecting it into the body of the penis to make the penis thicker. Because the body rejects a significant portion of the injection this procedure may need to be repeated several times and each operation carries with it a severe risk of infection.
How do I measure my penis?

According to Harold Reed, M.D., director of the Reed Centre for Ambulatory Urological Surgery in Bay Harbor, Florida, this is the correct way to measure the length of your penis:

First, while standing, get an erection. Okay, now gently angle your, er, equipment down until it is parallel to the floor. Set your ruler against your pubic bone just above the base of the penis, and measure to the tip. Thats how the doctors do it.
My penis bends down (or left, or right).
Is there something wrong with it?

One-quarter of all penises bend in some direction and some bend downward even when erect. Unless the bend is severe or causes you pain, there is nothing wrong or abnormal about your penis. It should not interfere with sexual intercourse. Some people report that a downward-bending penis is easier to fellate.

In rare cases a condition called Peyrone's Syndrome can arise from childhood diseases. This condition is caused by scarring on one of the two corpora cavernosa within the penis, stunting its effectiveness during erection and causing the penis to bend almost 90 degrees in that direction. If you feel this may be the case, consult a urologist.
What is circumcision and why is it done?

Male circumcision is the surgical removal of the foreskin from the penis. When performed in a hospital, it is usually done shortly after birth by a doctor or midwife. Circumcisions are also given to Jewish boys by a mohel in a ceremony eight days after birth. Some Islamic boys are circumcised when they are older, around age 12. The majority of American boys are circumcised.

Common reasons for circumcision include: religious beliefs; better hygiene, "normal" or "better" appearance, and "his penis should look like his father's."

Common reasons against circumcision include: it is no longer necessary for hygienic reasons; it is a painful, barbaric practice; there is a possibility of infection or surgical error; destruction of sexual tissue reduces sexual sensitivity; "normal" or "better" appearance; and "his penis should look like his father's."
What are blue balls?

Blue Balls is a real condition! The "correct" term for blue balls is epididymitis, which is an inflammation of the epididymis.

In simple terms blue balls occurs when the epididymis get blocked up with sperm that have left the testis but not the penis. The vas deferns are the conduit for the sperm from the testis to the urethra. When they get blocked you get pain. Why blue balls and not "swollen balls," well maybe the connotation is that you balls have the "blues", or maybe its because with all that swelling some of the blood flow is restricted enough to cause some blueing of the area because of pooling blood.
Why is the prostate mentioned so often during discussions of anal sex?

The prostate is about the size of a walnut in a normal man, and is immediately behind the rectal wall about three centimeters inside the anus. It can be felt by placing one finger within the anus and feeling along the anterior wall for a round bulb. For some men, touching or rubbing this spot is extremely pleasurable; a rare few can even orgasm through this technique. Others report that the touch is painful or makes them feel as if they need to urinate.

Sexual Health : an introduction in Hindi

Sexual Health : an introduction in Hindi

Author: Dr. Kuldeep Singh Chauhan
MD (Ayurveda)
Consultant Ayurveda Physician, Marma therapist and Psychotherapist

Ayurjeevanam Sewa Samiti, Rampur

प्रकृति ने सभी कार्य को ठीक ढंग से पूरा करने के लिए किसी न किसी साधन की व्यवस्था की है जिसके द्वारा हम उस कार्य को पूरा करते हैं। इनमें से कुछ कार्य तो ऐसे होते हैं जो प्रकृति के अनुसार अपने आप चलते रहते हैं जैसे- वातावरण में परिवर्तन होना, दिन-रात होना आदि। लेकिन इसके अतिरिक्त पृथ्वी पर स्त्री-पुरुष के जीवन को को बचाने के लिए उनके शरीर में यौनांगों तथा जननेन्द्रियों की रचना की है। इसके अतिरिक्त भी स्त्री-पुरुष के शरीर में कुछ ऐसे अंग होते हैं जिनके बिना वे जी नहीं सकते हैं जैसे- हम आंखों से देखते हैं, कानों से सुनते हैं और पैरों से चलते हैं। ठीक इसी प्रकार से स्त्री-पुरुष के वंशों में वृद्धि के लिए भी प्रकृति ने उनके शरीर में यौनांगों तथा जननेन्द्रियों की रचना की है। जहां तक अंगों का परिचय तथा उनके महत्व का सवाल है, प्रत्येक स्त्री-पुरुष को इन अंगों को ठीक प्रकार से जानना अति आवश्यक है। आज भी बहुत से ऐसे स्त्री-पुरुष जिनको अपने साथी के पूरे अंगों के बारे में ठीक प्रकार से ज्ञान नहीं है। इस कारण से वे संभोग क्रिया के समय में इन अंगों का ठीक प्रकार से उपयोग नहीं कर पाते हैं जिसके कारण से वे संभोग क्रिया के समय पूरी तरह से आनन्द नहीं ले पाते और कभी-कभी इसका भंयकर परिणाम भी भोगना पड़ता है।
सेक्स क्रिया का पूरी तरह से आन्नद लेने के लिए सभी स्त्री-पुरुष को यह जान लेना चाहिए कि यह क्रिया करने के लिए कौन-कौन से अंगों की आवश्यकता पड़ती है। स्त्री-पुरुष के बहुत से ऐसे अंग होते हैं जो एक-दूसरे से मिलते जुलते हैं। जैसे कि आंख, नाक, मुंह, कान, गुर्दे, आमाशय, मस्तिष्क तथा सिर आदि। लेकिन यहां पर हम आपको यह बताना चाहेंगे कि स्त्री-पुरुषों के सेक्स अंग अलग-अलग होते हैं। इन अंगों में होने वाले इस प्रकार के भिन्नता के कारण से स्त्री-पुरुष की अलग-अलग पहंचान हो पाती है। इसलिए यह आवश्यक है की युवावस्था में ही स्त्री-पुरुषों को इन अंगों के बारे में जानकारी हो जानी चाहिए। बहुत से वैज्ञानिकों का तो यह कहना है कि युवावस्था में ही सेक्स के इन अंगों के बारे में ठीक प्रकार से जानकारी न होने के कारण से ही आगे चलकर स्त्री-पुरुष को सेक्स संबंधित मानसिक तथा शारीरिक रोगों का सामना करना पड़ता है।

Monday, November 2, 2015

Anatomy of female sex organs

(A) External View, closed

(B) External View, open and flushed.

The Vulva is the external sexual organ of women. The above view (A) shows the external view of the female vulva as normally seen when the woman is standing up. View (B) shows the vulva when it is opened, and from the top down one can clearly see the Veneris Mons, clitoral hood, clitoris, and labia minora. There are many questions about the vulva on, and this FAQ will begin to attempt to answer some of these.

VulvaThe external female genitals are collectively referred to as The Vulva. All of the words below are part of the vulva.

Mons VenerisThe mons veneris, Latin for "hill of Venus" (Roman Goddess of love) is the pad of fatty tissue that covers the pubic bone below the abdomen but above the labia. The mons is sexually sensitive in some women and protects the pubic bone from the impact of sexual intercourse.

Labia MajoraThe labia majora are the outer lips of the vulva, pads of fatty tissue that wrap around the vulva from the mons to the perineum. These labia are usually covered with pubic hair, and contain numerous sweat and oil glands, and it has been suggested that the scent from these are sexually arousing.

Labia MinoraThe labia minora are the inner lips of the vulva, thin stretches of tissue within the labia majora that fold and protect the vagina, urethra, and clitoris. The appearance of labia minora can vary widely, from tiny lips that hide between the labia majora to large lips that protrude. The most common metaphor for the labia minora is that of a flower. Both the inner and outer labia are quite sensitive to touch and pressure.

ClitorisThe clitoris, visible in picture (B) as the small white oval between the top of the labia minora and the clitoral hood, is a small body of spongy tissue that is highly sexually sensitive. Only the tip or glans of the clitoris shows extrernally, but the organ itself is elongated and branched into two forks, the crura, which extend downward along the rim of the vaginal opening toward the perineum. Thus the clitoris is much larger than most peole think it is -- about 4" long, on avergae. The clitoral glans or external tip of the cltoris is protected by the prepuce, or clitoral hood, a covering of tissue similar to the foreskin of the male penis. During sexual excitement, the clitoris may extend and the hood retract to make the clitoral glans more accessible. On some women the clitoral glans is very small; other women may have large clitori that the hood does not completely cover.

UrethraThe opening to the urethra is just below the clitoris. It is not related to sex or reproduction, but is instead the passage for urine. The urethra is connected to the bladder. Because the urethra is so close to the anus, women should always wipe themselves from front to back to avoid infecting the vagina and urethra with bacteria.
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

The above illustrations show the area between the labia minora. From top to bottom can be clearly seen the clitoris, urethral opening, and vaginal opening. A, B, and C show vaginal openings with a normal hymen, a membrane that partially covers the opening. The hymen is the traditional "symbol" of virginity, although being a very thin membrane, it can be torn by vigorous exercise or the insertion of a tampon. Illustration D shows an imperforate hymen that completely closes the vagina; this rare condition requires surgical intervention to provide for a normal flow of blood once menstruation begins. Illustration E is of a vagina in a post-partum woman (one who has given birth).

PerineumThe perineum is the short stretch of skin starting at the bottom of the vulva and extending to the anus. The perineum in women often tears during birth to accomodate passage of the child, and this is apparently natural. Some physicians may cut the perineum preemptively on the grounds that the "tearing" may be more harmful than a precise scalpel, but statistics show that such cutting in fact may increase the potential for infection.


VaginaThe vagina extends from the vaginal opening to the cervix, the opening to the uterus. The vagina serves as the receptacle for the penis during sexual intercourse, and as the birth canal through which the baby passes during labor. The average vaginal canal is three inches long, possibly four in women who have given birth. This may seem short in relation to the penis, but during sexual arousal the cervix will lift upwards and the fornix (see illustration) may extend upwards into the body as long as necessary to receive the penis. After intercourse, the contraction of the vagina will allow the cervix to rest inside the fornix, which in its relaxed state is a bowl-shaped fitting perfect for the pooling of semen.At either side of the vaginal opening are the Bartholin's glands, which produce small amounts of lubricating fluid, apparently to keep the inner labia moist during periods of sexual excitement. Further within are thehymen glands, which secrete lubricant for the length of the vaginal canal.

"G-Spot"The word is in quotes because there is still some debate as to the existance or purpose of the G- spot. In the illustration above, what is indicated as the g-spot in fact points to a region known as the Skenes glands, the purpose of which are unknown. Despite the controversy, one fact remains-- there are many women who claim that pressure on this region of the vagina is extremely pleasurable. Usually, two fingers are used, and because the spot is deep within the tissue, some pressure may be needed. Also, because the Skenes glands are alongside the bladder, some women may found that the increased pressure makes them feel as if they need to urinate.

CervixThe cervix is the opening to the uterus. It varies in diameter from 1 to 3 millimeters, depending upon the time in the menstrual cycle the measurement is taken. The cervix is sometimes plugged with cervical mucous to protect the cervix from infection; during ovulation, this mucous becomes a thin fluid to permit the passage of sperm.

UterusThe uterus, or womb, is the main female internal reproductive organ. The inner lining of the uterus is called the endometrium, which grows and changes during the menstrual cycle to prepare to receive a fertilized egg, and sheds a layer at the end of every menstrual cycle if fertilization does not happen. The utereus is lined with powerful muscles to push the child out during labor.

OvariesThe ovaries perform two functions: the production of estrogen and progesterone, the female sex hormones, and the production of matureova, or eggs. At birth, the ovaries contain nearly 400,000 ova, and those are all she will ever have. However, that is far more than she will need, since during an average lifespan she will go through about 500 menstrual cycles. After maturing, the single egg travels down the fallopian tube, a journey of three or four days-- this is the period during which a woman is fertile and pregnancy may occur. Eggs that are not fertilized are expelled during menstruation.

What is the G-Spot?

The Grafenberg spot, or G-spot, is an area located within the anterior (or front) wall of the vagina, about one centimetre from the surface and one-third to one-half way in from the vaginal opening (see illustration and text). It is reported to consist of a system of glands (Skene's glands) and ducts that surround the urethra (Heath, 1984). Some authors write that you must press "deeply" into the tissue with two fingers to reach it with any effectiveness.

The significance of the G-spot is that some women (about half) report that it is a highly sensitive area that under the right conditions can be very pleasurable if stimulated. For some women, it can be a primary source of stimulation leading to orgasm during intercourse. Other women report no particular stimulation, and some say that it feels as if they need to urinate.

The G-Spot has been linked to the phenomenon known as female ejaculation. To date, there is little data about female ejaculation, although there is some speculation that it is the product of the Skene's glands.

Index of Posts 1st November to 15th November

Anatomy of Female reproductive system

For a healthy sex life you need to know the basics of sex, and this starts with your private bits. Yes, you cannot fully enjoy your sexual experience if you do not know what goes where.

So here’s everything you need to know about vagina and how to navigate your body:

Mons Veneris: This is a fancy word for the area right below your abdomen and above where the vagina openings start (above your labia), it’s the top of your pubic area and is made of fatty tissues covering your pubic bone. It might be sensitive to touch with some women but it mainly serves to protect your pubic bone during sex.

Labia Majora: This is the fatty area framing your vagina and it’s commonly known as the outer lips of your vagina. The Labia Majora is responsible for your ‘scent’, in a good sense, they have sweat and oil glands that emit scents to arouse your partner.

Labia Minora: These are the inner lips of your vagina and they’re located right inside the Labia Majora. That’s the thin, sort of crooked tissue that serves to protect your vagina, clitoris and urethra and it varies in shapes, sizes and colors from one woman to another and can either hide inside the outer lips or extend outside of it. In fact, it varies so much that some women choose to get plastic surgeries to make them the size or shape they desire. This area is sensitive and can be arousing during foreplay and intercourse. If your partner ignores the inner lips and goes right in, gently guide him towards them; before heavy oral action, try some gentle rubbing, kissing and tongue action on the inner lips.

Clitoris: Now, this is important, so pay attention: clitoris is the ultimate gateway to an awesome intercourse so you’d better pay attention to it. It is the small, oval, whitish, spongy bit right above your inner lips. Even though the external part of your clitoris can be as small as a rice grain, it is actually a gland that extends about 10 centimeters inside your body. It is covered by a soft tissue of skin, the clitoris hood, that might cover it totally or might leave a bit of it showing. When aroused, the clitoris hood retracts and more of the clitoris shows. This is why it might be too sensitive to the touch during intercourse and your partner might want to use his lips and tongues instead of rubbing. The clitoris is a truly sexually sensitive organ and indirect gentle stimulation can really get you in the mood. If you’re too sensitive to have it directly stimulated, get your partner to rub it before you take off your panties or use his tongue instead. When you’re in the missionary position, the rubbing of your partner against the clitoris can be very arousing, but if the position doesn’t allow for this friction, get your partner to gently rub it using a well-moistened finger, try your natural fluids or a good lubricant for that.

The clitoris and the inner lips are responsible for much of the female arousal and orgasm and can both make or break her sexual experience. This is why some families in the Middle East and Africa still choose to circumcise their daughters, removing one or both of these organs to curb women’s sexual desires. Women can still achieve orgasm through intercourse with both these organs removed, but her sexual desires decrease and it becomes harder for her to orgasm as only 30% of women can achieve orgasm through intercourse.

Urethra: This might be news to you; but you have two different openings; the urethra is the opening below the clitoris and it is only for urination, it is only connected to your bladder and has nothing to do with your sexual experience or menstruation.

Hymen: The hymen is a very thin membrane that partially covers your vaginal opening; meaning a normal hymen shouldn’t be fully covering your vagina, otherwise menstrual blood is trapped inside. In some cases, however, the hymen is totally closed off and needs surgical help to create small openings in the membrane to allow for the blood to flow when menstruation begins. The hymen is torn during intercourse, although in some cases the tissue is elastic and will not tear during the first intercourse. Even though the hymen is a symbol of virginity, it can be torn playing sports and in many cases the tearing of the hymen during intercourse doesn’t cause any bleeding.

Vagina: Even though this whole area is often referred to as your vagina, the vagina is the tube between the vaginal opening and your cervix, which leads to your uterus. The size of a vagina varies from one woman to the other and it can widen after birth. The average length of a vagina is about 7.5 centimeters but it extends and becomes lubricated during intercourse to receive the penis and then contracts to keep the sperm inside for conception.

G-Spot: This is a highly controversial term as researchers have not settled the argument of whether females have a G-Spot or not. So if there is, indeed, a G-Spot in women, it should be located near the bladder, which means pressure on this spot may be highly uncomfortable for some women.